4 Natural Remedies to Increase Your Focus During Finals Week

As finals week approaches, there are several ways you can help yourself increase your focus while studying. When preparing for exams, it is important to take care of yourself so you can stay mentally and physically strong. Taking steps to reduce your stress will lift your mood and help you feel better overall, putting yourself in the best position to perform well on exams. Here are few remedies to make sure this finals week will run smoothly for you as you ace your tests (because duh, you rock!):

Remedy #1: Eat Right

It is important to fuel your body with liquids and foods that will help increase your energy and focus. Some fantastic energy boosting foods include bananas, salmon, brown rice, eggs, spinach or kale, and sweet potatoes. Some snacks that will lift your mood as well include apples (1 apple has equal caffeine to one cup of coffee!), some nuts, and even popcorn. As for liquids, you can have a cup of coffee or green tea, grab a Yerba mate, and most importantly, drink lots of water to help yourself tackle your work. Also, if you’re really feeling it, treat yourself to some dark chocolate that is filled with antioxidants to help blood move throughout your body and increase concentration. 

Remedy #2: Take Time to Clear Your Mind 

Another way to ensure you stay focused and productive during finals week is to set aside some time to clear your head. It may help to create a schedule for the and put all your thoughts on paper. To start, you can write down the tasks you wish to complete and goals you wish to accomplish throughout the entire week. You can even get specific and label which days you need to complete these tasks, or you can just lay it out more simply to see a bigger picture of the week at first. As you begin each day, pull out your notebook or computer (wherever you are writing your schedule), and write down all the work/activities you wish to complete that day. It is helpful as well to set specific times for these tasks to hold yourself more accountable and be more productive. You can even make a separate list at the bottom for “maybe’s,”which are jobs you can complete if you end up having some extra time.

Remedy #3: Be Active

Throughout the week of finals, it is crucial to take little breaks from studying so you do not get burnt out. I recommend taking these breaks to workout! In the mornings, you can relieve your stress and anxiety by following a guided meditation or perhaps, doing some yoga. I recommend searching for these videos on Youtube and finding a style that suits you. If you want to be even more active, you can get some fresh air and take a quick run outside or even go on a hike with a friend. As well, it is understandable if you have to limit your workout time during this week. However,  just taking small moments to breathe or perhaps do a ten minute workout will be beneficial for your overall focus. Heck, you can even do some planks while you rewatch lecture videos.

Remedy #4: Practice Self-Care While Studying

Even while you are absorbing information from your classes, you can treat yourself and relax at the same time. Some tips I have is to put on a face mask while you’re studying, drink some calming peppermint or chamomile tea, or even turn on a diffuser if you have one and throw in some citrus or lavender scents to help you concentrate. As part of your study routine, you can finish the night off by journaling and let out your feelings on paper to alleviate your stress and clear your head for a good night’s rest. It is so important to prioritize your mental and physical health, and sleeping can help your body recuperate after a long day’s work and sharpen your mind for your exams.

With these remedies in mind, finals week will be a breeze as you tackle your tests head on with a strong present mind. Your body and heart will thank you as you prioritize feeling good along with doing well in your classes. Know that nobody is perfect, and you are going to be okay no matter what. Work hard, try your best, and believe in yourself- not just this finals week, but always.

2 thoughts on “4 Natural Remedies to Increase Your Focus During Finals Week

  1. These are such great tips! I’ve found that working out is a really important stress-reliever for me. I’ll have to try that 10 minute video! Good luck with your finals. 🙂

    Miles of smiles,



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