Painting Something New

I am not an artist by any means- in fact, I have never really enjoyed drawing just because what I would create would never quite look like what I had envisioned. However, I decided to test my skills and challenge myself to draw a cute painting I could hang up in my bedroom.

Step 1: I gathered all necessesary materials, which sounds easier than it was since I hadn’t painted in years! Everything was scattered about my house, but ended up finding scraps of different colors to work with. I pulled up the picture on Pinterest that I wanted to create, too, so here it is:

Step 2: I painted the whole canvas white since there were scratches to be covered up.

Step 3: Outlining the sunflower

Step 4: The final product! : )

I love how my sunflower painting turned out and it was so relaxing and fun to make. I highly recommend you find a painting on Pinterest and try to recreate it- good luck!

Life Under California’s COVID-19 Lockdown

I’m challenging myself to write down my thoughts/feelings and the activities I do each day during the California lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic. This state shelter-in-place is an interesting social experiment and I think it will help me stay motivated and inspired if I document each day! I’ll update the post for each day I am under lockdown.

3/19: Day 1

Today I took my last final and it was luckily the only final I ended up having to take this quarter since my other ones became optional due to the coronavirus. It was for my Judicial Process pre-law class and it went pretty well and wasn’t too stressful since it was open book/open google (you get the idea). Other than that it’s my first day home and I’m actually not terribly bored yet and it’s been nice seeing my family again : )

3/20: Day 2

I actually wrote a blog post about things you can do while self-quarantining mostly because I was trying to brainstorm ideas to keep myself busy while under lockdown. I watched the news for awhile (I didn’t have cable at college) and caught up on some YouTube videos. I finally worked out, which I want to do every day while at home, ate some good food, and went to sleep.

3/21: Day 3

I was pretty lazy today- I made myself a mocha in the morning and started to watch season 3 of “Atypical” on Netflix. I hung out with my brother for a bit, worked out, ate, then slept once more.

3/22: Day 4

I started to think about redoing my room and went straight to Pinterest. My family is redoing a ton of other spaces in our house right now and it’s kinda making me want a change as well. I also took my clothes out of my suitcase and hung them up, finally accepting that I won’t be back at Cal Poly SLO for awhile.

3/23: Day 5

Today was the first day where my spirit was a little low. The new reality of being under lockdown for who-knows-how-long is finally sinking in. I’m starting to miss friends, but I’m still grateful to be with my family and for good health. The virus is really starting to get bad now, with 46,477 confirmed cases in the U.S. and 2,246 cases in California alone. In my college town (SLO) there are now 33 cases and in my home town (San Diego) there are 230 cases. I’m starting to get a little more worried as these numbers continue to rise. I’m starting to feel like we might be under this lockdown for quite some time.

3/24: Day 6

I’m feeling better today and not as negative about the lockdown. I started to read again and I feel like it’s really helping me by bringing my back to my roots and prime form of entertainment (I used to read every night as a kid). It makes me feel more at home and comfortable with how things are right now.

3/25: Day 7

I’m really starting to get in the routine of things- I wake up at 11:00am, eat some brunch (usually toast with avocado or bananas with peanut butter), do something creative then watch Netflix, eat dinner, workout around 7pm, then relax once more. It’s a really light schedule to say the least, but it helps me stay focused and feel like I still have a purpose.

3/26: Day 8

I finished a painting of a sunflower I had been working on for my room back in college. It’s just been nice to work on different creative projects each day- whether its reading, playing guitar, painting, selling clothes on Poshmark, etc.It just helps me stay busy and honestly the painting turned out better than I thought (drawing is my weakness) so I was kinda proud. I got out of the house for a bit too and went to Starbucks with my mom (the only one left open in town) and also got some decorations at the dollar tree for my brother’s 16th birthday coming up. We went on a nice family walk, I worked out, I went to bed. Today was productive.

3/27: Day 9

I baked a cake and a TON of cookies with my mom to prepare for my brother’s birthday, which is tomorrow. It was nice to finally eat some chocolate chips and cookie dough since I’ve been trying to be super healthy otherwise during quarantine. I worked out later in the day and for the most part, I was in good spirits.

3/28: Day 10

It was my brother’s birthday so I woke up early around 6:45ish to help decorate. I took a day off from working out and I didn’t really read the news or think about what’s going on in the world much. I just stuffed myself with cake, cookies, and ice cream; it was a good day and it was nice to be with the fam.

3/29: Day 11

I ate some cake for lunch it really was the greatest decision for the day. I worked out some too, tanned outside, read, and played some nerf with brother. It was just another chill day and its still been nice hanging out with the family. I’m enjoying the coronacation for now.

3/30: Day 12

I’m really tempted to do some online shopping. I already accidentally bought a Kate Spade purse (in my defense, it was technically a birthday present for myself) so it may go downhill from here with all this free time. I’m still trying to follow a very broad schedule and get up around 11am and workout around 7pm. It’s been going very well and it’s kept me sane. I went on a walk down my street with my family and had some good tacos for dinner. How nice a Mexican restaurant sounds though right now!!

3/31: Day 13

My family discovered one of the only Starbucks left often in San Diego so we just had to make a stop there this morning. We were all nervous about going to a drive through, but after we were glad we supported a local business and the coffee was amazing and really brightened my day. I worked out (I’ve only missed a day during this quarantine) and read a book outside. I’m still enjoying this break, but now the news says the peak of the coronavirus may not be till mid- May and that we will most likely be in shelter in place till especially May 3rd. This makes me worried that I won’t even be able to go back to college/SLO town in May and stay there for a month or two.

4/1: Day 14

The governor decided to end the shelter in place policy… April fools! Still in lockdown and its just yet another day for the world battling the coronavirus. Today was a lazy day full of self care, which is highly needed during a time like this. I ordered a hair mask just for fun on amazon (make sure to wash your hands after receiving packages) and some textbooks for school as well. Everything is just so surreal to me right now, especially how my school is now going to be virtual.

4/2: Day 15

I finally finished the book I have been reading, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. I have two more books on the list for this quarantine that I still want to read as well, and I may do another post about all three of them since they are all self help books. Anyways, today I facetimed a few friends and it really brightened my day. I think FaceTiming a friend at least once a day is super important to stay connected right now and stay healthy mentally.

4/3: Day 16

Today was the first time I became a little sad again. I was going over my class schedule since (online) school starts this Monday and it just hit harder that I have now been away from my friends for quite some time and will probably not be able to see them for quite a long more time. I’m really starting to miss everyone and the people I love from college.

4/4: Day 17

My attitude was super positive today and I had a ton of energy. I started to miss someone from school a lot later in the day and my energy then felt a bit off, but it was pretty good for the most part overall. I worked out a ton (for about an hour 1/2-2 hours) and read so it really helped ease my mind. I also did a face and hair mask, doing a little spa night for myself to make me feel less stressed.

4/5: Day 18

I started to go a little crazy today. This morning I was super anxious and felt really upset. I decided to get out of bed and workout for a bit outside even though it’s really cloudy. School starts tomorrow and I just wish I was actually back at campus with my friends. I’m going to make some chocolate chip cookies now.

4/6: Day 19

Today is the first day back to school (well, online school)! I only had one class in the from and I was actually done by 9:30 because it ended super early. The class in person would have been so much more fun and I wish I could interact more with my classmates, but it wasn’t too boring.  I started a new book, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck” and let me tell you, it’s pretty entertaining.

4/7: Day 20

20 days??? I can’t believe it’s been that long actually it went by somewhat quickly, which is surprising. I had my first full day of classes and they seem easier than if I were to have them in person, which is nice. I’m glad school has started because I think I would’ve felt more bored today since it’s been raining and I can’t really tan or anything right now in the backyard. I’m actually starting to get used to this quarantine life though, which is weird.

4/8: Day 21

Whelp, I made cookies for the second time so that’s where I’m at. Literally cannot stop eating sweets. Like it’s bad. Eating healthy was not an issue for the first two weeks but my diet has since gone downhill. Honestly, weight should not be a worry during quarantine- we have a global PANDEMIC going on in case you forgot. Just be kind to your body, but (in my opinion) still eat well so you can feel good. Have a treat every so often, but remember, you will ultimately feel better by taking good care of yourself. Beyond that, this season of “Survivor” is absolutely iconic. Period.

4/9: Day 22

Today I have eaten so healthy and I’m honestly super proud since I got off track lately. It’s not bad at all to not eat super 1000% healthy all the time, but it got to the point where my body was starting to crave food that wouldn’t make me FEEL good. Anyways, this entire quarantine I have worked out every day and failed to mention my routine. I do the Alexis Ren ab and butt workout each day and on top of that, I run/walk/jog for about an hour. Lately, I have also added a workout by Chloe Ting if I’m really feeling it. These videos are all on Youtube and super helpful- I’ll prob do a post actually about them in the future : )

4/10: Day 23

Last night I lied and after I wrote my post for the day I proceeded to eat… five pieces of candy. Anyways, I ACTUALLY ate healthy today, despite my dad making egg free brownies (they were delicious) and having a piece or two. I read a ton for school and pretty much studied all day. Online school is pretty easy so far and I really hope that trend continues, because I’m here for it.

4/11: Day 24

I have my first two quizzes for online classes coming up and I’m kinda nervous, but I’m hopeful they will go well. Anyways, I’ve been watching a little bit of Netflix during this time and I really recommend “How To Get Away With Murder.” Watching TV, taking morning walks, baking, doing yoga, and working out consistently has all kept me sane. I’ve had a few moments where I thought I was going crazy, but overall, life is still good and there is much light at the end of this quarantine tunnel.

4/12: Day 25

Happy Easter! Today is one of the happiest days I have had since the start of this quarantine. Maybe it was the sugar rush from all the candy I ate, but I truly feel so grateful for my life and this time with my family. I feel so lucky that my family isn’t struggling during this time and just really appreciate what I have and the life God has created. Our world may be a mess right now, but surely God has a plan for us all. Anyways, I just feel such a strong sense of self right now- I know who I am, what I want to do, and have an idea of what I want to be. I am so fulfilled and thankful to be alive today. Life is full of challenges, but that’s what makes us who we are and we are defined by how we face these challenges. I strive to face my challenges head on, with grace, positivity, and gratitude. Wow, this got off on a tangent- so sorry about that- no matter your religion and whether you celebrate Easter or not, I hope you enjoyed today and see the positives in your life.  : )

4/13: Day 26

I actually felt pretty off today. I think it might be because I had SO MUCH sugar yesterday and it’s just catching up and making me feel terrible today. Anyways, I’m trying to still eat healthy, but I’ve been pretty lazy today. Much Netflix needed.

4/14: Day 27

I honestly still did not feel that great today and after the hype of Easter I realized how much I really miss my friends back in college. It’s been a long time now and it’s really hard not knowing at all when I will see them again. I’m just trying to stay focused and do the best I can in school in the meantime.

My Interview at Tilly’s

Heyyy sooo I recently got hired to work at Tilly’s! I love this store and I’m super excited to have this job : )

The interview process was pretty interesting. I found out about the job first by going into the store and asking the manager if he was hiring, which he was! I actually filled out the application the day of, went back to the store, and then did a mini one-on-one interview.

I came back the following Monday for a second interview, this time with a group of other potential employees. An employee asked us general questions about why we love Tilly’s, what activities we are involved in, and why we would be a good fit to work at Tilly’s. It was very relaxed and my nerves went away pretty quickly.

Then, it got really fun and kinda intense. The employee asked us to walk around the store and pick out an outfit that a girl would wear to a party. When we had all our items, we then had to pretend to sell the products we picked out! After the simulation, the employee asked me and two other people to stay at the store because something was wrong with our resumes. I was scared when she said that haha because I didn’t want that to effect my chances. Anywaysss it turns out that nothing was wrong with our resumes and instead, we were chosen to be hired!

Overall, it was a pretty fun and quirky process and I’m sooo glad I get to work at Tilly’s. They have super cute clothes and everyone there is so sweet! If you have any specific questions about the process or just any retail questions in general, feel free to ask!

Coffee & Matcha Run

Hey everyone!

Today I was with my friend who I have known since PRESCHOOL (and through softball) and we decided to go check out Communal Coffee (Coffee + Flowers) and Holy Matcha. Both places are pretty well known because of their aesthetics and we thought it would be fun to go and see if it was all really worth the hype. Turns out, it was!



Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
I got a lavender honey latte and Jen got a vanilla latte



The coffee tasted actually really good and the menu was very unique so it was fun to  order something I’d never even heard of before.

Next, we went to Holy Matcha because we had some time on our hands to explore the area (both shops are located on the same street!).

strawberry lavender matcha drink w/ Cda


my strawberry vanilla donut… yummm

It was such a great day and I’ll miss roaming around SD when I move to SLO! I guess I’ll have to find some more coffee & tea places there…

Anyways, let me know if you have any  suggestions on new places to try out!



Welcome to my blog!

three brown wooden letters wall decor
Photo by on

Hey everyone! My name is Emily and this is a blog of all things travel, college, art, music, advice, and more! I was born and raised in Southern California and I am moving up just a little more north for college this year. Other than having a passion for writing, I’ll admit I’m a coffee addict (I’m talking about a Lorelai Gilmore case here), Grey’s Anatomy fanatic, retired travel softball and tennis player, swiftie, proud member of the egg allergy club, and oh yeah I think I have arachnophobia. Anyways, there’s a lot more but there’s no point in me TELLING you when I might as well just SHOW you. I enjoy you very much and I hope you enjoy my page : )